
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 3:03pm

Fleet Captain Manolis Chiotis

Name Manolis Chiotis

Position Reccuring Character

Rank Fleet Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 55
Aliases / Nicknames The Old Man Himself
Theme Song Don't be Ashamed of your Age - Bob Wills

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Hair Color Grey/Black
Eye Color Light Blue
Physical Description Sprightly for his age, keeps himself in shape.


Spouse/Partner His Ship!
Children His Crew!
Father Georgios Chiotis (D)
Mother Maria Chiotis (D)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Addicted to the space-faring life
Ambitions To avoid being pensioned off or put behind a desk!
Hobbies & Interests History of space and seafaring craft, bouzouki, seeking out new life and new civilizations
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Greek Orthodox (lapsed)

Service Record 2230s to 2250s Climbed the ladder of Fleet Promotions from Ensign to Captain, often in comradeship and/or competition with Academy classmate George S. Faust

2259-64 Captain: U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-63549 - 5 Year Mission

2264 turns down Admiralty position and appointed the honorary rank of Fleet Captain USS Franklin (NCC-246) taking with him a talented young navigator John Stryker II from the Thunderchild