
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 8:03am


Name Vasha

Position Civilian Scientist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Kelpien
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6'8"
Weight 65kg
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, lanky yet curvaceous like a swimmer, Vasha tends to draw attention wherever she goes despite not being as conventionally attractive by humanoid standards. Her limbs are muscular from years of hard work assisting her father's agricultural business in their village and continuing to do so even after Kelpien society modernized.


Spouse/Partner NA
Children NA
Father Iradar
Mother Savali
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Unlike her boss Vasha is very much emotional and unafraid to show that she is. Since her vahar'ai passed many years ago and the more recent modernisation of Kelpien society she has made it her quest to discover as much as she can about the much bigger, wider universe that Kaminar is but one tiny part of. She is eager to find out basically anything and everything about the people and things around her, which is what drew her to the field of psychology and behavioral studies.

She tends to spend her off duty time exploring as well, meeting and talking with absolutely everyone and anyone she meets and asking any and all questions that come to mind. At times her curiosity extends beyond simply asking questions, though.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Curious, bold, supportive

W: Might occasionally go too far in the pursuit of knowledge, occasionally feels lonely being literally the only one of her kind in Starfleet (and even then, not really), feels that she needs to represent her people well and may sometimes work too hard to do so.

Personal History Vasha was one of the first few Kelpiens to leave Kaminar for Earth in search of better pastures with her parents aged seventeen, having grown up in a largely agricultural community beforehand. She became interested in the field of psychology and behavioral study when she did some exploring on her own, and decided to take it up aged twenty-three. It would be many years of hard study before she received the chance to study under an established psychologist, and she would be thrilled that this opportunity came with the opportunity to travel space aboard a Starfleet vessel.