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Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 3:03pm

Doctor T'Mora

Name Doctor T'Mora

Position Civilian Scientist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 35
Theme Song Cold As Ice by Foreigner

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Slim Vulcan woman with pointy ears and eyebrows and a sallow complexion.


Spouse/Partner Promised but not yet joined
Children None
Father Immaterial, her Grandmother is T'Pau
Mother Ditto
Brother(s) Ditto
Sister(s) Ditto
Other Family Her Grandmother is T'Pau

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'Mora would argue that a disciplined mind functioning on pure logic has no quirks of 'personality' and should be indistinguishable from any other mind operating along the same lines.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy The Teachings of Surak

Personal History Obtained her PhD at the Vulcan Science Academy, the title of her thesis: "Klingon, Tellarite, Human: the Mystery of the Scientific and Interstellar success of the primitive species."
Service Record Civilian Scientist and Psychotherapist temporarily attached to the USS Midway